We invite you to explore the many ways you can be involved in shaping the educational experience at Archway Cicero



Dad’s Club

A Volunteer Club just for our Cicero Dads!  Interested Dads will work together to develop and grow the Cicero community; perhaps organize a Cicero day at Spring Training, at the golf course, etc.  We also need our Dads to assist with campus activities. This club is for Dad’s to really make their own!

Sign up for Dad’s Club email: http://eepurl.com/hOOAv9

Fifth Grade Matriculation Committee

Parent of a Fourth Grader? Members of this committee would include fourth grade parents only so the fifth grade parents can enjoy the ceremonies! Please contact ArchwayVicePresident@ciceropso.org.

Lunch Volunteer

The success of our Lunch Program is solely dependent on volunteers. During the lunch hours, we need volunteers to distribute pre-ordered lunches to students. Volunteering is a great way to see your student and their friends during the school day, meet other parents, and provide support for the Lunch Program.

Once you access the Signup calendar, you will see the days that are available and can choose what works best for you. One parent volunteer is needed each day from 10:15 AM to 12:30 PM.

Sign Up


Have a vision for our Yearbook? Work with the faculty advisor and students to help with the planning, organizing, photography, printing, and ad sales to reduce cost, as well as distribution of the books to families. If you’re interested in any capacity, please contact ArchwayCiceroYearbook@ciceropso.org.